Saturday, July 13, 2013

My Story: How I Got Into AG

It all started back in 2007. My mom has a friend whose daughter was into AG and had some dolls. I ended up with a catalogue and I wanted Nicki, the GOTY, pretty badly. Well, wish granted! This is what I saw that Christmas:

Yup! It's Nicki! I played with her a lot, and apparently we played a lot of games like gymnastics because the curls were eventually too difficult to keep nice and neat, so we brushed them out. Now that I'm really using the dolls I'm curling her hair again, but it's not the same because it hadn't been regularly curled for quite a while, and it's harder to keep it looking good.

Anyway, fast forward to 2009. I don't remember if I wanted Julie or not, but I got her for a Christmas present, and I loved her! I actually went through this phase where I was like "Nicki's ugly! I love Julie more!"

Thank goodness that phase is over!

In 2010 we got to go to the American Girl Place in New York, and it was great! I ended up getting Julie's ears pierced and I got a couple outfits for the dolls.

Now we're skipping through time to Christmas 2011 when I got Kit! She was an eBay purchase and I found out this year why she's fatter than my other dolls and has larger limbs - she's partially Pre-Mattel. By that I mean we're pretty sure she's from a crossover period from Pre-Mattel to Mattel because she only has some of the things that Pre-Mattel dolls do. The same year I got Kit I got bunk-beds for my dolls, which was a great gift! They can all stack up, and there's four bunks in total.

Until around January of this year, my dolls were sort of just sitting in the closet and I didn't play with them very much. Then I discovered AGTube, and I thought it was so cool! And I had dolls! Soon I started filming using the Camera app on my iPad. My first stopmotion was called "Julie's Amazing Mountain Climb", and it was her climbing up my bunk-bed ladder.

But there was a big problem! I had big ideas, and I didn't have enough dolls to make my series and videos that I wanted to do. So I looked in the catalogue and there she was! She was beautiful, and I really wanted her! The My AG doll with curly red hair and blue eyes. I know what you're thinking. "But Emma, you don't have that doll!" 

Well, you're right. I started going back and forth between Caroline and the My AG. In the end I ordered Caroline, and it was a good decision! (I got her in January.)

Eventually I started using a camera and tripod to film, but I still wasn't able to have all the characters I wanted because of lack of dolls. I know that certain dolls can play multiple parts, but I think you know what I mean. 

I remember saying to my mom "If they had a doll with dark skin, the Sonali face mold, and straight hair, I would buy it!" about a minute later, BOOM! There she was! I was browsing the AG website and I discovered My AG number 47. She had everything that I wanted. And I was determined to get her. In March, I ordered her, and I am so happy with her! She's beautiful, and I would definitely recommend her to anyone who wants to buy her.

My doll, Germany!

Now rewind to November in 2012. I got to be in a play, and in doing so I met someone who also has American Girl dolls! Now she's into making videos and it's pretty cool! Unfortunately, she isn't allowed to have a YouTube channel yet, but someday!

Here we have a group photo of our dolls from before I got Germany.
Sorry about the bad lighting!

Now go from the play to April, 2013. I still didn't have a YouTube channel and I really wanted to share my videos. So on April 2nd, MidnightAGStudios was born! I spent a long time trying to think of a name for my channel because I wanted it to be perfect and not something I would regret later. I eventually settled on MidnightAGStudios, and I don't regret it!

On the same day that I got my channel I posted my first video "The Easter Egg Hunt", and when I went to check on my channel that night before bed this is what I saw: I had a subscriber! I was really surprised, and I know I was lucky. 

And I think that pretty much explains how I got my YouTube channel and how I got my dolls! 
